“I move, therefore I am”
Movement has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. A childhood hobby of dance swiftly turned to a passion, leading to a successful dance career in Theatre spanning 17 years. I have been so fortunate to travel the world doing what I love. Throughout my career & travels, yoga became a huge part of my training and physical/mental upkeep. No matter where in the world my career led, checking out the local studios was always top of my list, allowing me to be introduced & inspired by various teaching styles, not only in Europe but in Australia, New Zealand, Asia and the USA.
In 2013 I suffered an injury. This is where my journey led me to pilates. The respect I gained for my body throughout this time was immense and the experience taught me a lot about myself, but most of all, it fed my hunger to learn more about the body and how movement truly does heal.…